Tuesday, February 16, 2010

( i need to start leaving my house.

although submerged in work, academic and otherwise, i'm finding myself in a harmonic state of transition. pleasant news from the south comes flowing to my ears from little smiling lips. i'm pleased to announce my success in nailing the three crosses to my wall. i've acquired so many amazing things, objects i mean, over the last two months. (black mannequins, magical jars, fake&real fur coats, and much more) such pleasing things for the eyes to grace upon.

also, there are so many lovely lovely shows coming up, that i nearly squeal at the sight/thought:
black feeling/ultrathin/+more for the blue skies turn black (10th!) anniversary !!! clues @ la sala rosa !!! scout niblett @ casa del popolo !!! the brains/koffin kats !!! black lips/box elders/demon's claws !!! BLANK DOGS @ IL MOTORE !!! mono @ la sala rosa !!!
it nearly all makes me have to puke.

i need to sleep before i become suicidal. xx.

another disappearing act

academics filling my eyes to the brim.
apologies to the queen mary.

months and months (two or three)
filled with wax on the carpeting, film photographs of pure beauty, magical eyes (wiccan), collecting records, packages & sending out letters, the idiot (iggy pop_), and so much manuel armida.

( all photographs taken by or of myself, caroline joy-elizabeth elie, over the months of january to february.)

Friday, January 1, 2010

empty closets

finding her words worthless she throws away all trademarks of the past. she's attempting to realize her potential as a thriving human in this great society built by her peers. she doesn't know if she can keep up; within this she doesn't know if she wants to.

her soul feels empty and words are being extended where the should not.

she's breathing in odours of pure disdain.

her lungs can't be purified and he seems okay.

thinking of him; her face becomes heated and the sheets more lived in.

plans for the future between two such as them; will undoubted end, in a poverished unwed.


(" i sampled your breathing into the jam for some minutes
it was beautiful

it was love _ ")

Thursday, December 31, 2009

on to the next

finally i am finished my first dress! huzzah, i am pleased with the final product and will continue onto my next starting asap.

it's not exactly the proper season to be wearing it, but, i am storing it on my new garment rack, within a day.

so so so so pleased. i cannot wait to do the next piece. i'm setting up a mini-studio as well in my basement (which is where i live).

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

distractions from the greater plan

today i went to the local fabric store and procured the loveliest fabrics & a new pattern!!!

it was perfect, the flow of the situation was pleasant.

as all i have left on the navy piece i started three days ago is the ruffled trimming;
i've been plotting my next work. it's going to be with my new pattern, a little dentile dress with a huge bow on the waist. i'm using a indian-esque dark seafoam colour for the top and skirt of the dress, and this lovely green velvatine for the bow. i'm so interesting in werether or not this will turn at as velvatine is hard to work with.

either or, between doing the black lace trimmings on the navy dress i made myself a little collar with a little hook & eye attachment.

supreme business.

Monday, December 28, 2009

ants ants ants ant ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants antantants ants ants ants brazilian nuts ants ants ants ants ants taking over ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants everywhere ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants escape plan ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants under everything ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants ants will rule the world

mouthwatering business.

in lighter less emotional words;

i'm almost done my first dress.

it's this beautiful navy embroidered piece.
sleeveless, ruffle finishing, fit to body, & bow detail on collar.

exciting affair!!

also i'm sitting on my sofa watching bad television (the o.c.)
& doing laundry & eating vegan indian food & being really really really positive.